• Enviro-accès
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  • Enviro-accès
  • Enviro-accès
  • Enviro-accès
  • Enviro-accès
  • Enviro-accès
  • Enviro-accès


The company

Fondée en 1961, AECOM Consultants Inc. est l’une des plus importantes sociétés d’experts-conseils au Québec. La firme se positionne comme chef de file dans de nombreux champs d’expertise dont l’hydroélectricité, les barrages, les infrastructures, le transport, le génie urbain, l’environnement, la gestion du territoire, l’industrie et le bâtiment. AECOM Consultants Inc., regroupant près de 1 400 employés, est la filiale québécoise d’AECOM.

AECOM est un fournisseur mondial de services techniques professionnels, d’ingénierie et de gestion-conseil. Avec un réseau de plus de 45 000 employés, AECOM est un leader sur les marchés qu’elle dessert, offrant des solutions qui créent, améliorent et préservent les environnements bâtis du monde entier.
Notre personnel en gestion environnementale expérimenté est en mesure de prendre en charge les projets de clients à toutes les étapes de leur cycle de vie, depuis la planification de l’approvisionnement, le développement et l’exploitation à la réhabilitation, la restauration et la réutilisation de sites, en passant par l’intégration du produit et la mise en conformité des installations. L’expertise d’AECOM comprend une vaste gamme de domaines dont l’agriculture, les bassins versants, les études économiques et sociales, la foresterie, la cartographie, l’urbanisme et la gestion du territoire, l’aménagement durable, l’environnement industriel, la qualité de l’air, la gestion des ressources en eau et le traitement des eaux, les études d’impacts et l’obtention de permis, la gestion de la sécurité, de la santé et de l’environnement (SSE), la gestion des déchets, la consultation et l’ingénierie ainsi que la restauration et la réhabilitation de site.

Établie près des sites et installations de nos clients, notre équipe possède une connaissance approfondie des besoins locaux et régionaux tout en faisant bénéficier chaque projet des meilleures ressources et compétences disponibles à travers notre réseau mondial de 5 000 professionnels de l’environnement. L’approche d’AECOM axée sur la formation et le transfert des connaissances et technologies permet également à ses clients une meilleure autonomie en matière de développement durable.

Commercial activities


  • Water supply and purification
  • Characterization and restoration of contaminated lots
  • Environmental auditing
  • Ecological studies
  • Forestry
  • Impact studies
  • Environmental communications
  • Resource and land use planning and development
  • Waste management
  • Geomatics and remote sensing
  • Training
  • Risk analysis
  • Hydrogeological studies


Environmental assessment and impact studies

  • Ecological diagnoses of lakes and rivers
  • Studies of the support capacity for wildlife, recreation and tourism
  • Ecological profiles and integrated mapping
  • Development of the S*IRIS expert system to manage endangered species in Quebec, a decision support system in the area of environmental assessment
  • Preparation of several impact studies for hydroelectric power plants, substations and electric transmission lines in Quebec and abroad
  • Impact study of more than 1,500 kilometers of highways in Quebec and abroad including the construction of the Abong-M’bang-Lomié highway in Cameroon
  • Impact study of master plans for drinking water and sewage treatment in Quebec and Mali
  • Impact study of master plans for waste management in Quebec
  • Environmental study related to the restoration of industrial and government-owned sites in Quebec
  • Impact study concerning the restoration of the aquatic environment in Quebec
  • In forestry, more than 500 impact studies including mitigation measures and environmental follow-up

Risk analysis

  • Project for the restoration of land and aquatic environments of an old industrial location formerly used by AlliedSignal, Quebec
  • Project for the restoration of the Longue-Pointe garrison site, National Defence, Quebec
  • Project to burn hazardous organic residues in cement kilns, Quebec

Environmental audit

Study of conformity with environmental standards and practices

  • Program for the environmental audit of Hydro-Quebec’s facilities
  • Waste incinerator and sludge treatment centre for the Quebec City Urban Community
  • National Defence Canada military bases Characterization and restoration of contaminated sites

Site characterization

  • Dorval and Mirabel airports
  • Montreal harbour
  • City of Montreal: more than 40 sites
  • Tim Horton restaurants: more than 30 sites in Quebec
  • Industrial sites: AlliedSignal, Liquid Carbonic, Copper Metallurgy Noranda, Imperial Petroleum
  • Land owned by National Defence Canada
  • Tire depot at St-Amable, Quebec

Restoration of contaminated sites

  • AlliedSignal: excavation and safe confinement of contaminated soils and waste from a former industrial location on Clark Island, Quebec
  • National Defence: excavation and on-site decontamination of lead-contaminated soils at the Longue-Pointe garrison in Quebec
  • Quebec’s Ministry of the Environment and Wildlife: excavation and confinement of soils and waste contaminated with hydrocarbons in waterproof cells on the Le Vidangeur site in Mascouche, Quebec

Waste management

  • Preparation of master plans for the Montreal Urban Community, the Quebec City Urban Community and for Quebec’s Ministry of the Environment and Wildlife
  • Cleaning up plan and waste management in Bamako, Mali
  • Safe landfill site for contaminated soil in Grande-Piles, Quebec
  • Sanitary landfill site for the City of Montreal and the Montreal Urban Community, Quebec
  • Incinerators with heat recovery: four multiple-hearths incinerators and two fluidized beds for sludge and scum for the Montreal Urban Community treatment plant in Quebec
  • Government of Quebec: supervision of PCB elimination
  • Some eco-centres (waste sorting unit) in Montreal

Air quality

  • Collection and processing of biogas at Montreal’s Waste Disposal and Elimination Centre (25 million tons of solid wastes) in Quebec
  • Volatile organic carbon burner for the Montreal Urban Community and the City of Montreal, among others
  • A number of dust-extracting systems
  • Approximately 20 air dispersion modeling projects
  • Air emission monitoring program, specifically for Montreal’s airports (ADM) and for industrial facilities in Morocco

Environmental communications

An original approach, developed over the years, which consists of encouraging the various stakeholders to participate in the design and implementation of projects while taking all the issues involved into account.

  • Community relations program related to the project to rehabilitate the Francon-Lafarge quarry in Montreal East
  • Communications program for the project to restore one of AlliedSignal’s industrial sites
  • Communications program related to the implementation by Stablex Canada of a centre for industrial organic waste in Valleyfield
  • Organization and holding of public consultations related to an impact study regarding the spruce bud worm spraying program
  • Sociopolitical analysis and support for the organization of consultations concerning Hydro-Quebec’s development plan
  • Preparation of public hearings concerning the impact study on the Lachine canal, the implementation of a mini-hydroelectric power plant and the implementation of a new aluminum smelter
  • Public consultations concerning a master waste management plan for the Quebec City Urban Community


Albanie, Algérie, Angola, Arabie saoudite, Argentine, Australie, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Bénin, Bolivie, Brésil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodge, Cameroun, Canada, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Cuba, Danemark, Djibouti, Égypte, El Salvador, Émirats arabes unis, Équateur, États-Unis, Éthiopie, France, Gabon, Gambie, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Guinée équatoriale, Guyana, Haïti, Honduras, Inde, Indonésie, Iran, Iraq, Jamaïque, Japon, Jordanie, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Koweït, Laos, Liban, Libye, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Maroc, Mauritanie, Mexique, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigéria, Ouganda, Pakistan, Pérou, Philippines, Pologne, Qatar, République Centrafricaine, République Démocratique du Congo, République Dominicaine, République Tchèque, Royaume-Uni, Russie, Rwanda, Sénégal, Soudan, Sri Lanka, Syrie, Tadjikistan, Tanzanie, Tchad, Thaïlande, Togo, Trinité-et-Tobago, Tunisie, Turquie, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe