Where to go when you need more information on the forestry industry and on mines.
Canadian Forests
This site is a non-profit, private initiative on the Internet, intended to facilitate access by Internet users to the growing number of sites that provide information on forests and forestry in Canada.
Canadian Forest Service
The Canadian Forest Service promotes the sustainable development of Canada’s forests and competitiveness of the Canadian forest sector.
Canadian Institute Forestry
The Canadian Institute of Forestry has been the national voice of forest practitioners since 1908. Our mission is to advance the stewardship of Canada’s forest resources, provide national leadership in forestry, promote competence among forestry professionals, and foster public awareness of Canadian and international forestry issues.
Canadian Sustainable Forestry Certification Coalition
To promote the use and acceptance of internationally recognized sustainable forest management certification standards in Canada in order for Canadian producers to continually move towards sustainable forest management, secure a sustainable supply of raw material, and to ensure marketplace acceptance of Canadian forest products.
ForestNet is a digital broadcasting station on the World Wide Web that provides forestry and financial information to the forest products industry.
Gestion des titres miniers (GESTIM)
GESTIM allows you to consult the public register of real and immovable mining rights and to acquire mining titles from the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune.
Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles
Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles which includes, among other things, informations on geology, titles mining, mining restoration, investment and taxation as well as on the mining industry and the exploited substances.
Pulp and Paper Technical Association of Canada (PAPTAC)
Canadian-based non-profit organization, dedicated to improving the technical and professional capabilities of its members worldwide, and to the advancement of the pulp and paper industry.
Web Directory / Forestry
Forest & Forestry Section of the Environmental Organization Web Directory.