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Environmental Associations
Association québécoise des producteurs d’énergie renouvelable (AQPER)
Intermediate between the industry and the governments representatives and the public organizations implied in the energy sector.
Association québécoise pour la promotion de l’éducation relative à  l’environnement
The Association québécoise pour la promotion de l’éducation relative à l’environnement (AQPERE) is a non-profit organization for the environmental education who gathers mainly individuals and Quebec organizations such schools, museums, networks…
Conseil des entreprises de services environnementaux (CESE)
The CESE joins together the private companies with activities in the execution of environmental services in the following sectors: waste management; hazardous materials management and industrial cleaning; contaminated sites management .
Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ)
Éco Entreprises Québec (ÉEQ) is a private non-profit organization founded in 2003 to represent businesses that market containers, packaging and printed material in Québec targeted by Bill 102.
Helios Centre
Founded in 1996, the Helios Centre is an independent, non-profit energy research group, dedicated to developing the knowledge base required to foster appropriate strategies, policies, regulatory decisions and market choices for a sustainable energy future.
Nature Québec / UQCN
Nature Québec (UQCN) is a non-profit organization for individuals as well as groups working in the natural sciences and sustainable development.
Quebec Business Council on the Environment
The CPEQ’s mission is to promote the interests of industry and business in environmental matters with the governments and public in the context of sustainable development.
Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l’environnement (RNCREQ)
The RNCREQ is a national regroupment of regional councils of the environment that assume a role of dialogue, animation and information and offer resources and support the regional councils of the environment. Links to the sixteen regional councils of the environment is offer.
RÉSEAU Environnement
The association represents the largest network of environemental companies in Quebec. Their mission is to help the progress of science and to help members exchange information and experiences.
Canadian Network for Environmental Edication and Communication (EECOM)
EECOM is a national, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to engage Canadians in learning about their environment. It achieves this goal by enabling teachers in both the formal education system as well as educators and communicators in all other sectors of Canadian society to 1) work together in ways that nurture environmentally informed and responsible individuals, organizations and communities, and to 2) improve the quality and effectiveness of their services.
ECO CANADA – Environmental Carreers Organization
Launched with the help of government funding, ECO Canada is an autonomous organization that is directed by industry and its stakeholders and many of its project are funded by the government of Canada. ECO Canada’s mission is:”To ensure an adequate supply of people with the demonstrated skills and knowledge required to meet the environmental human resource needs of the public and private sectors.”
Environmental Organization Web Directory
Environment Search Engine
National Small Flows Clearinghouse
The NSFC is a nonprofit, U.S. EPA-funded environmental health program located at West Virginia University that provides free and low-cost information about small community wastewater treatment. A variety of services are offered, including a product catalog; two newsletters and a journal; a technical assistance hotline; web discussion groups, general information, and a list of links.
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. They address the most pressing conservation threats at the largest scale.
Industrial & Scientific Associations
Association des entreprises spécialisées en eau du Québec (AESEQ)
The Association des entreprises spécialisées en eau du Québec (AESEQ) is a non-profit organization created in 1964. The AESEQ is the only association which regroup the construction contractors that work in the sectors of water cycle in Quebec.
Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS)
The Acfas has the mission of promoting the scientific activity, stimulating research and diffusing the knowledge.
Conseil québécois du biodiésel
The Conseil québécois du biodiésel promote the use of biodiesel as fuel or replacement for pétrodiesel, in a sustainable development conception.
Quebec Forest Industry Council
The Quebec Forest Industry Council is the voice of Quebec’s forest industry. It represents the vast majority of softwood and hardwood lumber, veneer, pulp, paper, cardboard and panel companies in Quebec.
British Colombia Environment Industry Association
The CEIA-BC is a voluntary non-profit business association whose members provide a variety of products and services affecting the environment. Members are drawn from the following industry sectors: environmental consulting, field services, laboratory services and waste management facilities.
Canadian Association For Environmental Analytical Laboratories
The Canadian Association for Environmental Analytical Laboratories (CAEAL) is a non-profit organization with the mission to help laboratories achieve and demonstrate the highest levels of scientific and management excellence through the combined principles of Competence, Consistency, Credibility and Communication. Our member laboratories voluntarily participate in rigorous programs of proficiency testing and accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to generate high quality data.
Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
Founded in 1994, the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association (CRFA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to promote renewable fuels for transportation through consumer awareness and government liaison activities.
Canadian Wood Council (CWC)
The Canadian Wood Council CWC is the national association representing Canadian manufacturers of wood products used in construction.
Canadian Wind Energy Association
The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) is a non-profit trade association that promotes the appropriate development and application of all aspects of wind energy in Canada, including the creation of a suitable policy environment.
Chemistry Industry Association of Canada
The Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CAIC) mission is to promote the international competitiveness of the Canadian plastics industry in the respect of the environment and the society.
Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN)
The Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) is made up of linked organizations and individuals involved in ecological monitoring in Canada to better detect, describe, and report on ecosystem changes.
Environmental Services Association of Alberta
The Environmental Services Association of Alberta is a not-for-profit business association dedicated to building a strong environment industry through leadership in technology, education, human resources, and market development.
Environmental Services Association Maritimes (ESAM)
Environmental Services Association Maritimes (ESAM) is a not-for-profit organization created to support the Maritinmes’ environmental sector by facilitating growth, collaboration, ans communication among industry and government.
Manitoba Environmental Industries Association
The Manitoba Environmental Industries Association (MEIA) is a non-profit organization that is committed to connecting business, government and interested stakeholders with environmental issues and opportunities.
Newfoundland and Labrador Industry Association
The NEIA site offers support to its Newfoundland and Labrador members. The site has a nice list of environmental links.
The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC)
The Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC) is the voice of Canada’s wood, pulp, and paper producers nationally and internationally in government, trade, and environmental affairs. CanadaÃÂs forest industry represents 3 percent of CanadaÃÂs GDP and exports $45 billion annually. The industry is one of Canada’s largest employers, operating in hundreds of Canadian communities and providing over 900,000 direct and indirect jobs across the country. FPAC represents the largest Canadian producers of forest products. Our members are responsible for 75% of the working forests in Canada. Third-party certification of member companies forest practices is a condition of membership in the association world first.
Environmental Industries Commission
EIC’s mission is to promote the international competitiveness of the UK’s environmental technology and services industry. Over 290 companies are members of the EIC and the number is growing rapidly.
International Ozone Association
The IOA was formed in 1973 to serve as the focal point for technology transfer and developments on ozone-related issues. For this purpose, IOA has served as the central , worldwide gathering and disseminating point on ozone information, bringing together scientists, engineers, systems designers, technologists, equipment manufacturers, and end users to share their experiences and research data on ozone and other related oxygen compounds.