Our mission is to foster the emergence and to support the development of innovative projects and companies contributing to the improvement of the quality of the environment and to sustainable development on a local, national and international scale.
Our team of competent and motivated professionals continuously surpass themselves to ensure you reach your goals.
Enviro-access is one of the three Canadian Environmental Technology Advancement Centers (CETAC), whose responsibilities are distributed geographically. The two other centers are The Bloom Center for Sustainability in Ontario and the Canadian Environmental Technology Advancement Corporation – West (CETAC-West) in Alberta.
CETAC – West
715, 5th avenue SW,
Suite 420
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 2X6
Tél. : 403-777-9595
Fax : 403-777-9500
2070 Hadwen Road,
Unit 201A
Mississauga, Ontario
L5K 2C9
Tél. : 905-822-4133
Fax : 905-822-3558
85,Belvédère Street North,
Suite 150
Sherbrooke, Québec
J1H 4A7
Tél. : 819-823-2230
Fax : 819-823-6632