Founded in 1993, Enviro-access provides professional and technical services to entrepreneurs, companies, municipalities, governmental organizations, and other institutions to help improve environmental quality and contribute to sustainable development.
The Enviro-access team is among the most experienced in Canada in greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects. Enviro-access started offering consulting services related to greenhouse gases in 2002. Since then, our firm has contributed to several hundred projects, at various levels (project quantification, GHG inventories, project funding for greenhouse gas reductions).
Learn more about our many quality environmental services! And feel free to contact us if you have questions about specific services not listed below.
Enviro-access began developing its expertise in greenhouse gas reduction projects early in the 2000s. Today, our team is considered one of the most experienced in Canada in GHG reduction projects and in the preparation of follow-up technical reports.
- Principal services:
- GHG emission inventories for companies, institutions, and municipalities
- Development of strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Identification and quantification of GHG reduction projects
- Support in the preparation of funding requests for GHG reduction projects
- Analysis of carbon footprints generated by products and organizations
- Accounting of GHG emission reductions required for carbon compensations and the preparation of reports
- Writing of various quantification reports for greenhouse gas emissions (project plan, SMART or SAGES, project information brief, monitoring plan, etc.)
- Technical assistance for GHG emission audits
- Assessment of the potential for carbon credits
- Development of protocols for project quantifications
Enviro-access has carried out dozens of project plans for GHG emission reductions, project information notes (PIN), and inventories of greenhouse gas emissions for industrial, institutional, and municipal clients.
Enviro-access has also completed many GHG emission quantification reports within its support activities for small and medium-sized businesses and its active cooperation with various funding organizations, such as Natural Resources Canada’s TEAM program (Technology Early Action Measures) and Sustainable Development Technology Canada. Since 2002, Enviro-access has thus contributed to the development of numerous demonstration projects introducing new GHG emission reduction technologies.
Enviro-access offers its support for the developpement of new environmental technology, including financing, market studies, search for partners, quantification of greenhouse gas emissions, identification of opportunities to reduce emissions, and budget and activity calendar planning.
- Principal services:
- Support for project development (planning, search for partners, etc.)
- Support for identifying and accessing financing (ex.: Sustainable Development Technology Canada and Technoclimat)
- Quantification of environmental impacts in response to funding organization requirements (GHG emissions and other contaminants in the air, water, and soil)
- And more!
Enviro-access provides customized training on best practices in energy management and pollution prevention for municipalities, companies, institutions, and other groups. Our team of experts has developed and given hundreds of hours of training in various fields. We can therefore provide personalized training that meets your specific needs.
Enviro-access offer training sessions throught contractual agreement with the reconized training group CSA:
(These training courses are given In French only)
- CSA, ISO 14064-1 : Principes essentiels des inventaires de GES pour les organisations
-  CSA, ISO 14064-2 : Principes essentiels des projets de réduction des GES
- CSA, ISO-14064-3 Vérification de projets de réductions de gaz à effet de serre (GES)
For more info visit the CSA web site :
Carbon Footprint
The carbon footprint of a product or service represents the total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) associated with the steps in its life cycle. One of the goals is to promote the low carbon footprint ofQuebecproducts due to their use of hydro-electricity as a main source of energy.
Calculating a carbon footprint:
- Gives a product or service a competitive advantage when promoting the GHG information, if its footprint is less than the competitor’s;
- Identifies opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions;
- Helps focus on lowering operational costs, particularly those associated with energy consumption.
Whether you have to validate or verify a GHG project, or you have to verify a GHG assertion in the framework of a specific regulation or on a voluntary basis, Enviro-access can support you through each step of the audit preparation.
You are concerned by your GHG emissions and deploying efforts to reduce them? We recently developed a new efficient communication tool based on strict requirements. This Carbon Care CertificationTM recognizes organizations’ efforts to responsibly manage and reduce greenhouse gases. We can also help you in the development of your carbon offset strategy adapted to your reality.
Following the implementation of measures to reduce GHG emissions, municipalities have several good reasons to update their GHG inventory. First, this will help to quantify the actual GHG emissions reductions generated by actions undertaken by the municipality. Since GHG emissions are linked to financial data (consumption of propane, natural gas, gasoline or diesel, tonnage sent to landfill, etc.), various stakeholders will also be interested in the financial results generated by actions to reduce GHG emissions. Then, the update will allow to communicate the results to elected officials and citizens.
Directly integrated into this approach, the GHG AccessTM Solution allows the municipality to easily update its GHG inventory. The online software included was developed by Enviro-access in partnership with a specialized french firm. This municipal GHG inventory tracking software, especially designed to meet the requirements of the Climat municipalités’ program criteria (sources, calculation methods, etc.), is also featured on the site Ma municipalité efficace  hosted by the AQME.
Operated by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have decided to reduce their greenhouse gases emissions and to act on climate change.
Our experienced team can support your municipality in the achievement of the three first milestones of the PCP program:
1. Develop a Baseline Emissions Inventory and Forecast
2. Set Emissions Reduction Target
3. Develop a Local Action Plan