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Cansolv Technologies Inc.
Technologies and services. Air pollution treatment to reduce, control or trap SO2 , NOx and CO2 gaseous emissions from refineries (zinc, oil, etc.) and coal-fired power plants.
(514) 382-4411
Catalys Lubrifiants
In addition to its own products, Crevier Lubricants offers a wide range of products from its strategic partners, including hydraulic fluids, conventional lubricants for gasoline and diesel engines, biodegradable lubricants and high performance synthetic lubricants.
BioBlend: Biodegradable hydraulic oil. In case of leakage of a hydraulic system found on dump trucks, street sweepers, “glitch” (common name), etc. the operator must obviously pick up the oil damage but the remaining oil on the ground will not damage the environment because it is biodegradable.
TerraCair: Liquid urea used in some 2011 and older diesel trucks using Selective Catalytic Reduction technology which minimizes emissions gas emissions.
(800) 363-0590
Construction DSL
Sealing specialist for more than 15 years, DSL Construction offers alternatives to the refurbishment of commercial and industrial sheet metal roofing. In addition to providing significant savings, these alternatives are effective and sustainable. In addition, they do not generate waste, maximize the healthy materials already in place and significantly extend the service life of the facilities, in perfect harmony with sustainable development. Our proven methods and our high quality ecological products also allow us to offer sealing and protection solutions for steel and concrete structures and elements such as tanks, pits, retention ponds, etc.
Before proceeding with important and expensive repairs, contact us to know all the options available to you.
Daniels Sharpsmart Canada
Daniels was founded in 1986 and now newly installed in the province of Quebec since 2014. We offer a variety of solutions for all your biomedical waste needs, including service and supplies for sharps waste, non-anatomical waste, anatomical waste, cytotoxic waste and pharmaceutical waste. Our vision is to develop a system where we can manage all your biomedical waste in a secure and eco-friendly manner. Daniels offers service in all of North America, Australia, UK and South America. They also supply what is of no doubt the safest reusable container in the world. We are very devoted to our customers and in offering the best possible service you deserve.
Enerkem Inc.
Enerkem produces advanced biofuels and renewable chemicals from waste. Its disruptive proprietary technology converts non-recyclable, non-compostable municipal solid waste into methanol, ethanol and other widely-used chemicals.
Gaz Métro Plus
Gaz Métro Plus offers you a wide range of energy products and services. From the installation to the management of your heating, hot water or air conditioning equipment, including their maintenance, Gaz Métro Plus offers you quality service.
1 (866) 641-7587
GoodEarth Products
Good Earth Products LLC is a sustainability solutions provider that can enhance corporate images with useful green equipment. Go with the leader in sustainability solutions, GoodEarth Products.
Gotar Technologies Inc.
Products. Ecological products for industrial maintenance. Applications: eliminate oxides, limes, organic deposits, oils and dangerous substances. The action of the product stops once the contaminants have been dissolved.
IPL Inc.
Products. The company manufactures molding plastic products such as wheeled carts and trays for recycling collection and the selective waste collection as well as composting.
Kemira Water Solutions Canada Inc.
Coagulants and polymers. Aluminium and iron based inorganic coagulants for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment and drinking water treatment. Manufacturing process water treatment. Dephosphotation, metals precipitation, sludge dewatering, odour control.
(514) 457-0000
Nouvelles Technologies Index Inc.
Technologies. Telephone booths functioning with solar energy. Compact cookers for isolated residences and cottages using granules instead of charcoal. Automatic water counters, solar street light luminaries.
Nova Envirocom
Products and services. Compost trays, water savers. The company also trains and raises awareness on composting. Trays for selective waste collection. Services in waste management plan (Plan de Gestion des Matières Résiduelles (PGMR)).
Odotech Inc.
Technologies and services. Odour sensors. Sampling equipment. Measurement of atmospheric odour dispersion. Sampling of ambient air in the field. Modelling and sampling of odours by olfactometry and chemical analysis. Applications: industrial, sanitary landfills, farms, food industry, slaughterhouses, wastewater treatment facilities.
Pyradia Inc.
Technologies. The company manufactures and sells thermal oxidisers for process emissions. Systems for VOC emissions control. Thermal oxidisers, heat recovery systems for energy saving. Other technologies related to applications other than the environment.
(450) 463-3344
Service Industriel BEST H2O Inc.
Technologies and services. Drinking water treatment using reverse osmosis membranes. Waste water treatment: oil separation, sludge dewatering, and phosphate removal. Polluted water physical chemical treatment to remove organic pollutants. Range of applications: municipal and industrial (pulp and paper, chemical industries, pharmaceutical, etc.).
Thermal-Lube Inc.
Technologies, products and services. Technology based on infrared spectroscopy that enables continuous oil analysis and treatment (COAT®) therefore increasing life span of lubricants. Diesel emission detector for diesel locomotives and diesel trucks. Air quality analysers for mines and interior work spaces.
Verdeaux Inc.
Products and services. Production of herbaceous and woody plants (more than 40 species) as well as inert materials for the purpose of controlling and stabilising banks for lakes and streams.