By Mathieu Muir, eng., M.Env.
The Climat municipalités program has funded 253 Quebec municipalities to prepare a first inventory of their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and an action plan to reduce these emissions.
Following the implementation of measures to reduce GHG emissions, municipalities have several good reasons to update their GHG inventory. First, this will help to quantify the actual GHG emissions reductions generated by actions undertaken by the municipality. Then, the update will allow to communicate the results to elected officials and citizens.
Since GHG emissions are linked to financial data (consumption of propane, natural gas, gasoline or diesel, tonnage sent to landfill, etc.), various stakeholders will also be interested in the financial results generated by actions to reduce GHG emissions.
Directly integrated into this approach, the GHG AccessTM Solution allows the municipality to easily update its GHG inventory. The online software included was developed by Enviro-access in partnership with a specialized french firm. This municipal GHG inventory tracking software, especially designed to meet the requirements of the Climat municipalités’ program criteria (sources, calculation methods, etc.), is also featured on the site Ma municipalité efficace hosted by the AQME.